Who We Are

Our Mission at Melinda Gillinger & Consultants is to provide personal, respectful service to families of children with special needs and to their educational teams. Our goal is to understand the unique needs of each child and their family, to respect their culture and choices, and to help them navigate the Special Education process including Early Start, the IEPs, and transition to service post High School. MG&C also supports educational teams and school districts, helping them learn the unique needs of their students and develop appropriate programs and support in the local school setting.

All members of our MG&C team are parents of a child with special needs and/or Masters-level Special Education Specialists. We have been where you are and know exactly how families and educators feel at every stage of this journey. MG&C has decades of experience supporting families, teams, and children with the following eligibilities: Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Specific Learning Disability (including Dyslexia and Central Auditory Processing Disorder/CAPD), Autism, Speech/Language Impaired, Emotional Disturbance, Other Health Impaired, Multiple Disabilities, and Cognitive Delays. We have developed and perfected a collaborative process focused on the needs of each child that has resulted in positive outcomes for children and families throughout the entire state of California, in other states, and outside of the United States. 

In our capacity as special education consultants, we have not only supported families but have also developed professional relationships with public school districts, private schools (in and outside of the United States), charter schools, non-public schools, non-public agencies, county education agencies, regional centers, pediatric medical facilities, and state education agencies. We remain grateful that each year we continue to expand our positive professional relationships throughout the state of California and beyond.

Krysta's Story

Krysta is Melinda’s first-born child, born profoundly deaf. Because her daughter was born in a place and time where their family was not able to get the support they needed, she was forced to forge a path through special education where none had existed before. This is the reason why Melinda was drawn to return to school to achieve her Master’s in Special Education, found MG&C with like minds, and begin her mission to help both families and the system learn how to support this brand new group of DHH children and children of all eligibilities who may need her help. 

Melinda’s experiences were like that of many families of DHH children born during the 1990’s, before newborn hearing testing was standard: trying desperately to get someone to show them the way forward. Melinda has written her deeply personal account of this journey, which you can read in full HERE.

Krysta School Portrait Photo

Our Team of Special Education Consultants

Melinda Davis-Gillinger Headshot
Melinda Davis-Gillinger


Melinda has been in the special education system for over 25 years as a parent,  teacher, professional liaison, and consultant, with a singular ability to facilitate positive relationships between families and school districts to keep the focus on the unique needs of each child. Melinda is the mother of three kids, with three grandchildren. When Melinda’s daughter Krysta was born, she was not tested under the Newborn Hearing Screening, and she had to convince family, friends, and doctors that Krysta could not hear. Because she had no path to follow,  she forged her own and has made it her mission to guide others through the special education journey.

Ashley Guitron Headshot
Ashley Guitron


Ashley holds a Master’s in Deaf Education and has over 14 years’ experience in special education as a teacher, administrator, and consultant. As Interim Director of the DHH program at Echo Horizon School, she began collaborating with Melinda and knew instinctively that they needed to continue their work together to support children and families. Ashley has a natural ability to successfully support and counsel families in navigating this extremely stressful process. Ashley is  Mama to AJ (18), Arlo (3), and a new baby girl, Amalia (1). She spends her free time teaching and practicing yoga, taking walks with her dogs, and enjoying time with her husband, Ariel.

Jen Herrick Headshot
Jen Herrick


Jen has 11 years’ experience with special education as a parent and consultant. The field of SPED consultancy chose her, as she has two daughters with disabilities: a fifth-grade daughter with Profound Deafness and bilateral cochlear implants, and an twelfth grader with Central Auditory Processing Disorder. Jennifer’s background is in business management, but after she experienced Melinda’s help, she knew she wanted to do the same thing for families like hers. Jen is a mom of 4 amazing kids, aged 19, 17, 12, and 10. She is also an animal lover, with a beloved golden retriever and 2 cats. She loves the beach, gardening, taking care of her indoor plants, and yoga.

Cindy Rodriguez


Cindy has over 13 years of experience in the special education field.  Her experience in SPED includes: Teacher of the Deaf in California and Texas and Auditory Verbal Therapist and Administrator in elementary, middle school and high school. Cindy has collaborated with Melinda in all her professional roles, and in all cases, Cindy has always been an advocate for the child with a passion for educating parents how to navigate the IEP process, regardless of their child’s needs. Cindy can communicate in Spanish and American Sign Language. Cindy has a wonderful husband, Jose, and is a mom to two girls, ages 8 and 6. She also has 4 dogs and 2 horses at home.

MG&C Administrative Team

Administrative Assistant
Kim Casillas
Office Manager
Sydney Garza
Operations Manager
Gayle Herrick

Get started!

Let Melinda Gillinger & Consultants be your guide on this special education journey. Book an intake call with one of our consultants and see what we can accomplish together when we put our method to work for you! 


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